Digitization: This season, the Isthmia team also completed the photographic documentation of all catalogued ceramic material in storage in the first floor of the area traditionally known as the “dig house.” This brings to completion a process begun in 2021 so that now over 1300 photographs have been made available online at https://inventoriedobjects.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html This process, which also serves as an informal shelf audit, has now moved to the documentation of all catalogued sculpture in the storage at the MSU Excavations.
The digitization of archaeological documentation from the 1967-2004 seasons also continued this summer. In particular, the digitization of all color slides was completed, along with all the traditional line drawings of cataloged objects. At present, only the black and white photographic negatives, the hand-written photography logbooks and a variety of typewritten reports remain to be digitized. It is expected that the complete digitization of all forms of archaeological documentation will be completed by the end of the 2024 season. Unfortunately, due to a lack of technological support, the Archaeological Resource Cataloging System (ARCS), which was intended to serve as the central repository for these digitized records, has been deprecated and is now considered non-functional. At present, we are attempting to develop a new solution for the presentation of these digitized archival records.